10 Hilarious Graphs That Show What It’s Like To Turn 30

If you are like many people in the general population, your life at the age of 30 drastically changed. You likely started seeing and sharing more baby and family photos on Facebook and Instagram, and your bedtime probably decreased. Sure you might still enjoy a nice glass of wine and you might even make time for yourself, but as these charts show, your priorities likely changed in some pretty dramatic ways.

1. Your Web Of Priorities Changes Pretty Quickly

30 Years Old and Hilarious - A Graph Of Our Lives

2. The Job And Envy Factor

A Funny 30 Year Old Graph

3. The Feeling Of Growing Old

Funny Graph - Turning 30 Years Old

4. The Changing Diet Of A 30-Year-Old

Funny Graph - Turning 30

5. The Baby, Weddings, And Dogs Factor

Graph - Turning 30

6. The Growing Older Versus Being Carded For Booze Factor

Graph That Uses Humor To Show Our 30 Year Old Lives

7. Who Can I Date?

Super Funny Graph Of People Turning 30

8. Reasons We Do Things In Our 30s

This Graph Shows What It Is Like To Turn 30

9. Our Views Change Quickly When We Turn 30-Years-Old

Turning 30 - Here Is A Funny Graph

10. Extra Sleep Is A Wonderful Thing

What It Is Like To Turn 30 - Funny Graph

What priorities and other lifestyle choices changed for you in drastic ways when you turned 30-years-old?

[H/T The Bold Italic]