12 Kids Cry For The Funniest Reasons And It’s Hilarious

Most of the time when babies and young children cry there is a reason behind their tantrum. Perhaps they are hungry, or need their diaper changed, or maybe they just want a hug from mommy or daddy.

Other times babies and small children simply cry for no real reason at all. Perhaps they don’t like their new hat, or they don’t understand why they were put in time out, when in fact they went into timeout without being told to do so.

Here are 12 children who cry for silly reasons that made us laugh.

1. Can’t Fit Through Doggy Door

2. Put Himself In Time Out

3. Ate All His Cake – I Can Relate

4. Didn’t Want To Go – But He Wasn’t Leaving Anyways

5. Can’t Find The Toy On His Head

6. Found Hotdog Hidden In His Corndog

7. Toys Don’t Work Like He Wants

8. Forced To Wear New Hats

9. Didn’t Want To Hold Mommy’s Hand

10. Didn’t Want To Share Leg Hole With Sister

11. Goat Stole Goat Food From His Hand

12. Met Iron Man Without The Iron Man Suit

Do you have a funny picture of your child crying for a very strange reason? Send your photos to our official Facebook Fan Page HERE.