These are the 25 most important cats of 2015

Cats are arguably the most watched and photographed animals on the internet.

From videos of their owners playing pranks on them to snapshots of cats being jerks, we can’t help but love these crazy creatures.

Grumpy Cat’s life captured the hearts of millions and the Japanese kitten Maru’s videos make everyone say, “Aww.”

So it’s no surprise that we had to come up with a list of the 25 most important cats of the year. Each cat on this list earned its place. Some were hilarious while others were just plain cute.

#25 – Leland High School’s Own Cat Student

Leland High School was home to the first cat student we have ever seen. The orange and white tabby, known to students as Bubba, hung around campus so often he earned his own ID badge.

#24 – Stack of Kittens

Kitten condo

There’s no denying this stack of kittens is extra cute. No matter how bad your day was, you can’t help but smile while watching them play.

#23 – Cat Who Hates Stinky Feet

It’s no question that cats sometimes act very much like humans. While we aren’t prone to biting feet like this little guy is, we definitely have the same reaction when it comes to stinky feet. Get them away!

#22 – Malfunctioning Bubble Wrap-Cat

My cat malfunctions when I crinkle a specific type of plastic

Unlike humans, who have a tendency to pop all of the bubbles in a sheet of bubble wrap, this gray kitty’s reaction is certainly unique. As the original poster notes, this definitely appears to be a cat malfunction.

#21 – Cat Ignores New Cat Door

We know how it is. You spend all this time and money putting together a new toy for your cat. When it comes time to test it out, well, things don’t go quite according to plan.

#20 – Cat Ruins Dinner

Most of us have seen this photo in memes on social media this year. If you feel like you’re having a bad day, rest assured. At least your cat didn’t ruin dinner — hopefully.

#19 – Slinky Kitten

Slinky kitten, GO!!!!

Kittens have a natural ability to make people laugh. And, if you’re these people, drop to the floor in fear. What started out as an advertisement for this Fox channel’s “Pet of the Day,” quickly turned into a laugh fest as the kitten turned into a mini furry acrobat.

#18 – Copycat Kitten

Adorable copy cat chilling with her mom.

If you’ve ever wondered about the origin of the term “copycat” was, look no further than this GIF, which shows an adorable kitten attempting to copy his mom’s bathing ritual. This kitten definitely earns an “A” for cuteness, but a “D” for execution.

#17 – Kitten Jumps Like Crazy


According to the Imgur description, this kitten was just so happy to see its owner. If only we could get this kind of reception when we get home from work.

#16 – iPad Yurt Cat

Next on the list of ways you know your cat is spoiled, here is Twitter user Liz Buckley’s feline. No only does he have his own yurt, he apparently has his own iPad as well.

#15 – Cat Who Probably Stole This Poor Dog’s Bed

This pet bed was probably once owned by the dog. However, from the cat’s reaction, we’re pretty sure he won’t ever get it back.

#14 – Airplane Cat

We give major props to this cat for not tearing these humans to shreds after it went for an accidental trip in an open-air Skyranger airplane. Thankfully, the cat survived, though there’s no word on whether the poor creature needed therapy.

#13 – Amazon Cat Model

This cat modeled its owner’s Amazon purchase. The top definitely fits the cat, but we’re betting he’s rather use it for a toy.

#12 – Baby Befriends Cat

This YouTube video provides a double dose of heartwarming fun. No only does this baby make the best sounds when it sees the cat, this furry feline appears interested in the new addition to the family.

#11 – Sticky Tape Cat

My contribution to cat day.

For all their intelligence, there are times we really wonder how smart cats are. Either that or we just like to play mean tricks on them. Here’s hoping this poor cat finally got the tape off its forehead.

#10 – Cat’s Reaction To Whoopie Cushion

This guy created the largest whoopie cushion we’ve ever seen. Unfortunately, his cat gives him the same look his girlfriend would — if he has one.

#9 – Cat’s Q-Tip Balancing Act

Normally we see dogs balancing treats on their noses until the owner gives a command. This time, we found a video of this cat balancing a Q-Tip on its nose. Here is further proof that cats have excellent balance.

#8 – Cat Turns Into Parent For Toddler

When this toddler attempted to open the oven at his parents’ house, the resident cat quickly stepped in to save the day.

#7 – Cat Burglar

This video is proof that cats are just as selfish as we suspect. This cat tried twice to steal a plush toy from his neighbors and finally succeeded. Once the cat burglar returned to his domain, he proceeded to lay in the grass and play with his prize.

#6 – Thug Life Cat

We couldn’t have picked a better cat for this video if we tried. All cat owners have seen this behavior, though they may not have experienced the same look “thug life” cat gave his owners before knocking over this glass candle holder.

#5 – Vampire Cat

If you’ve ever wondered what the purpose of cats is on Earth, Loki the cat has the answer. Loki’s lower jaw appears smaller than normal, putting her teeth in the spotlight.

#4 – Human Tricks Cat With Water Glass

This cat apparently prefers drinking water from a glass. When its owner takes that glass away, he acts the same way a human would when you pull out his or her chair.

#3 – Cat Discovers Newborn Baby

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Perhaps this cat’s owners should have told him a new baby was on the way. Considering his expression of surprise, we’re guessing he came to investigate after hearing the first loud wail.

#2 – Hotline Bling Cat

It’s hard to find someone who actually likes Drake’s new song. However, it looks like this cat and its owner are among the few.

#1 – Scaring Cats With Cucumbers

This year, humans found a new way to scare their furry feline friends. Numerous videos have appeared on YouTube of owners scaring their cats using the common cucumber.