Everyone has fallen victim before to accidentally texting or calling the wrong person, and it can often be embarrassing, so we usually try to duck out of the conversation as quickly as possible.
But after one man was accidentally added to a group chat, he instead embraced the silliness, and the story of an accidental friendship has gone viral on Facebook.
Family Group Chats

With everyone nowadays owning a cell phone, many of us stay connected with our families digitally. Whether through text, FaceTime, Messenger, or WhatsApp, it's important to stay connected to the people we love, especially if we're separated by distance.
It's a way to share our day-to-day activities and life updates. But no one is immune to accidentally texting/calling the wrong number.
The Facebook Post

Zachary Garrett and his wife Sierra are proud parents to two children named Liam and Layla. The circumstances in which their little girl entered the world went viral on Facebook, and it all had to do with a family group chat.
He shared the funny and heartwarming story on Facebook where it's received 15,000 reactions and 45,000 shares.
At The Hospital

Our story begins with a text message from Zachary's grandmother, affectionately referred to as "Meemaw." She tells her grandson how excited she is for the birth of her great-granddaughter and asks Zachary for updates (including lots of photos).
Meanwhile, a photo shows Zachary's wife Sierra in a hospital bed.
An Impending Delivery

Zachary's grandmother sends her good wishes, and he responds that Sierra was recently examined by a doctor and delivery might actually happen sooner than anticipated.
But unbeknownst to the members of the family group chat, there was another unexpected guest partaking in the celebration.
Everyone, Meet Bobby

The family then receives a text message and photo from a man named Bobby. No, Bobby isn't a member of Zachary's family, but that doesn't stop him from sharing his joy at the impending birth.
Bobby explains that he was mistakenly added to the group chat and then joyfully offers to send Zachary money for diapers.
Blessings And Beautiful Things

Zachary then realizes that his grandmother must have accidentally added Bobby to the chat using Zachary's old cell phone number and he apologizes for the comical mistake. But Bobby doesn't seem to mind at all.
"Anytime another life comes to us is a blessing and a beautiful thing," Bobby writes. "Just happy to see people happy!!!"
A Belated Baby Shower Present

The grandmother then reenters the chat and realizes her mistake and commends Bobby for being "considerate" and "sweet" about it. Bobby makes good on his offer and sends Zachary money for diapers.
Zachary expresses his gratitude. "Bobby you are a blessing man! Me and my wife are so grateful. Thank you so much for the generous gift. It was so unexpected!"
It's A Girl!

In return, all Bobby asks for is for Zachary to take care of his growing family. In response, Zachary shares the news (and photos) that they have just welcomed a beautiful baby girl into the world.
"Everything went perfect man. Thanks again Bobby!" Zachary writes. "God bless you."