Who Knew Brown Packing Tape Could Make Such Amazing Artwork

The beauty of art lies in the fact that every single artist has their own way of completing their creations. Some artists use traditional paint and brushes, while others sculpt large chunks of marble into masterpieces. In the case of artist Max Zorn, his work is painstakingly created using nothing more than brown packing tape.

You need to look really closely at Zorn’s work to realize that he created each work of art using packing tape. Each portrait takes him hours to complete and involves a lot of planning, cutting, and layering.

Check out some of his incredible works of brown package tape art.

Max often exhibits his awesome art in public places and in various shows around the world, including at ArtBasel in Miami and his home city of Amsterdam. You can view more of this amazing artist’s work on his website, and you can even purchase a few pieces.