Australia’s Oldest Man Knits Sweaters For Injured Penguins To Help Save Their Lives

Meet Alfred “Alfie” Date, the oldest man in Australia at 109 years old. Alfred has not allowed his age to slow him down, and he now spends all of his spare time helping to save Penguins.

Alfred started knitting 80 years ago and now knits sweaters for Penguins.

Knitted Sweaters for Penguins in Australia

These are no normal Penguins, they were injured during a nasty oil spill.

Australian Penguins Knitted Sweaters

Philip Island’s  began requesting donations in an effort to protect the flightless birds.

Penguin Foundation
Knitted Sweaters for injured penguins

Alfred jumped in to help and he has created some pretty awesome sweaters for the injured birds.

Australias Oldest Man Knits Sweaters for Penguins

So why sweaters for the Penguins? They were attempting to remove oil sludge on their own feathers and the sweaters help protect them, while also allowing the oil to be removed more naturally.

So many sweaters were created that the Philip Island Penguin Foundation is no longer asking for more Penguin sweaters, but you can still check out the foundation’s website and Facebook page.