These Hilarious Birthday Cards Were Created By Kids And It Shows

When it comes to creating birthday cards and other fun letters for parents, little kids and even some older kids, miss the mark with hilarious results.

From magical unicorns, to cards that celebrate a child’s birth, these little kids had us in stitches.

1. Not sure how this celebrates a birthday but the use of glitter is awesome.

2. Your really old mom or dad. Lol.

3. Making mom feel special one birthday at a time.

4. The overprotective child.

5. Thanks for creating me mom. HEHE.

6. Mom is old enough to drink now! Maybe a Teen mom?

7. Either their parent is gay or they meant guy. Either way I laughed.

8. The A-Sploddin Birthday Card.

9. Hey Parent you are going to leave us soon. Sad but funny.

10. A nice ending message for this card.

Do you have a funny birthday card from your child? Share it on our Facebook Fan Page wall and we will try to include it in our next funny things kids say post.