You could work your whole adult life as a veterinarian and never encounter something quite as unique as this story about a puppy that was born green.
We're talking baby Grinch green!
A Green Puppy Is As Rare As It Sounds

Most professional dog breeders and veterinarians will go their entire careers without ever witnessing a puppy born with bright green fur.
But that doesn't mean that it's not possible in extremely rare cases.
A Canadian Couple Got An Unexpected Surprise

Trevor Mosher and Audra Rhys are a Canadian couple from Nova Scotia.
They learned that their 3-year-old valley bulldog, Freya, was expecting seven puppies after taking her to the vet for an ultrasound.
The Vet Performed An Ultrasound And Counted Seven

A few months later when Freya went into labor, Mosher recalled that she had seven puppies in a row "like clockwork" exactly 20-25 minutes apart.
Based on the ultrasound, the couple thought she had delivered all her pups and began bathing Freya with hot water and soapy cloths.
She Was Still In Labor After Delivering Seven

Shortly after Freya settled in with her new litter, she went into labor once again, unexpectedly.
Mosher said this delivery was different than the last few. The puppy was born in a black amniotic sac, distinctly different from the translucent sacs of the other seven puppies.
A Surprise Puppy Was Born In A Strange Black Sac

At first, Trevor and Audra thought there was something wrong with the last puppy and that it might be stillborn.
The black sac didn't seem like a good sign, but suddenly it started moving.
The Puppy Began To Move And Squeak

The newborn pup made small noises and movements, the same as her siblings, so it wasn't until they cleaned her off that they noticed what made her so different.
The pup's fur was a different color.
After Washing It Off, It Was Clear The Green Hue Was Permanent

Upon rinsing and drying off the surprise puppy, the couple was stunned to see that she apparently had bright green fur.
Not knowing what to do or whether the young pup was healthy, they quickly turned to a Google search.
The Couple Googled Whether The Puppy Was Healthy

Speaking to Global News, Mosher said: "Again we thought there was something wrong."
"So we googled it, 'my puppy is green, what's wrong,’ and apparently, it is very rare and it has happened a few times all over the world."
The Green Fur Is Caused By Bile In The Uterus

Experts believe that the extremely rare discoloration occurs when light-colored puppies come into contact with a green pigmented bile while in the mother's uterus.
Veterinarians online have confirmed that the condition is extremely rare, estimating about 1 in 10,000 puppies are born this way.
The Color Will Fade As The Puppy Ages

The little pup's green pigment will continue to fade significantly as she ages.
Even though she stands out amongst her siblings, her dye job will diminish as her fur grows out.
It Was A Rare Experience To Be A Part Of

Mosher says he feels fortunate to have had the opportunity to witness the rare birth and discoloration of the tiny bulldog.
It's definitely not something that you get to experience every day!
They Were Thankful The Pup Was Okay

Mosher said, "I'm kind of amazed, really. As rare as it seems to be, I feel very lucky to have witnessed it and been a part of it."
He added, "I know you hear stories about things like that but to be there and witness, it was good."
The Couple Asked Facebook What To Name The Little Greenie

Unsure what to call the fluffy green pup, Mosher took to Facebook where he shared her picture and asked for name suggestions.
Surely a green dog deserves a special name like Kermit or Yoda.
They Received A Bunch Of Green-Themed Suggestions

Commenters left their greenest suggestions for the young pup.
"A lot of people came up with some pretty clever answers. A few of them were Wasabi, Fiona, Hulkette, and Pistachio… kind of like that one, it's cute," Mosher said.
They Settled On Fiona

In the end, the couple settled on calling the little puppy Fiona after Princess Fiona in Shrek.
She is healthy, happy, and still a little bit green, but that will fade with time!