According to the American Pet Products Association, there are approximately 100 million cat owners all over the world. While cats can be our most trusted confidants, there are times when our communication can be stronger.
With a little bit of training and education, you can soon become a cat behavior expert with these dos and don'ts.
Avoid Laser Pointers

Cats are usually up for a little play time, but there are certain activities that should be off-limits. One of the worst toys for a cat is a laser pointer.
The cat will be chasing something that it will never be able to catch, which can create obsessive tendencies for your pet.
Do Not Yell At Your Cat

When things go wrong with our pets, some owners may feel the need to reprimand them the second it happens.
People should never yell at their cats, scold them, or spray them with water. This can lead to them becoming scared or uncomfortable around you. When cats get scared, it could cause them to bite.
Keep An Eye On Their Body Language

Something owners should always keep an eye on is their cat's body language. For example, if the cat's tail is up like a question mark, it means they are comfortable and friendly.
Also, if their ears are pushed back, they are most likely not in a good mood. If you sense they are uncomfortable, try moving slower, so they won't be scared.
Be Cautious When Petting Your Cat

According to a professor of animal behavior science, it's important to be cautious while petting your cat.
The best thing to do is pet them a couple of times and then stop. You'll be able to tell if they want you to keep going or if they want to be left alone by how they approach you.
Scents Go A Long Way With Cats

If you notice that your cat isn't following you around the house, it may be time to plug in a diffuser. Cats leave behind a pheromone when they rub their faces against something.
There are certain diffusers that mimic the pheromone smell, which attracts the cats into that room. These smells create a happy or peaceful feeling for them.
Keep The House Warm

Since house cats are descendants of wild animals such as cheetahs and pumas, they want to live in a warm environment.
The ideal temperature for a cat is between 86 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. While many probably don't want their house that warm, it can be helpful to keep a heating pad nearby for them.
Use Clickers To Train Your Cat

Most pet stores have clickers available for training. However, other tools can be helpful as well.
It's recommended to have a long stick with a toy at the end. Every time the pet touches its nose to the end of the stick, use the clicker. Then, reward them with a treat.
Blinking Is A Big Deal For Cats

The speed of your blinking actually makes a huge difference for cats. They will respond more positively to someone who blinks slowly.
Cats are more likely to approach someone who does this because it makes them comfortable. Blinking slowly is how they may associate a smile. This may seem like a small thing, but it can determine whether or not your cat will approach you.
Give Your Cat Special Attention

Giving your cat special attention is a giant sign of love that they will appreciate. Doing things such as cleaning their coat and removing their shedding hair helps them stay healthy.
Other ways you can show attention is by giving them cuddles, taking them for a brief walk, or letting them sleep on a special pillow near you.
The Right Way To Massage Your Cat

When you know that your cat is comfortable around you, it may want a quick pet or massage. It's important to know the right way to give them one.
Touching them from nose to tail is the best way to give them a massage. Not only is it relaxing, but it can help lower their blood pressure.
Find Your Cats A Fun Toy

In order to have a happy and healthy cat, it's best to prevent them from being bored. One way to curb their boredom is to get them an interactive and stimulating cat toy.
Also, a good toy can serve as an outlet for predatory behavior, reduce their stress, and provide them with physical exercise.
Why Cats Licks Themselves

It may seem annoying when your cat is licking their fur, but they have a reason for doing so.
Licking their fur promotes the production of sebum, which is an oily fluid that helps them maintain healthy skin. Not only does it protect their fur, but it eliminates loose hair, mats, dirt, and parasites.
Know How To Introduce Them To New Animals

If you are an animal lover, then having lots of pets seems natural to you. However, adding new animals to the family may make your cat anxious.
Before bringing a new furry friend into the house, slowly introduce your cat to them. Have them meet briefly outdoors a couple of times and watch them carefully when the new pet finally comes home.
Keep Snacks Around

If you want to show your cat you love them, one way to get their attention is through treats.
While you should not go overboard, letting them have a treat every now and then for good behavior is something they will love. It's best to avoid human food and stick to snacks specifically made for cats.
How To Get Rid Of Their Stress

If your cat is acting out, it's likely due to stress. The first thing owners should do is try to figure out what is causing them to feel stressed.
Some examples could be moving to a new home or the addition of a new animal to the household. Once you figure out what's going on, you can try to do things that make them feel comfortable such as petting them or giving them a snack.
Tips For Holding Your Cat

While it may be fun to hold your cat and carry them around, there are certain things people shouldn't do when picking them up.
Cats should be held carefully but not too tight. If they're held too tight, it can be seen as a sign of aggression, which can lead to scratching or biting.
Don't Judge Cats By Their Looks

It's important to remember that cats aren't humans, so they don't communicate through their facial expressions. They do other things that demonstrate how nice or aggressive they are feeling.
Try your best not to judge your cat by how they look because it doesn't necessarily correspond to how they are feeling. Instead, watch for their behavior and body language.
How Cats Mark Territory

If a cat feels threatened by another animal, it will do its best to mark its territory. One way they do this is to urinate, spray, or deposit feces in a specific spot.
However, if this behavior is ongoing, it may be a sign of a urinary tract or bladder infection.
Cats Like A Quiet Tone

It's normal that owners may have an outburst in front of their cats, but loud voices and commotion can cause a lot of stress for them.
When speaking to your cat, try to keep a quiet tone. A low, soft-spoken voice soothes them and makes them feel safe and comfortable.
The "Purrfect" Way To Greet A Cat

Since cats often greet each other by touching noses, humans should try to replicate this when greeting their cats.
You can do this by curling your index finger and slowly extending it to touch the cat's nose. This gives your cat a way to greet you in their own language.
Make A High-Pitched Sound If Your Cat Gets Too Rough

When cats participate in playtime, they can get a bit rowdy. This can lead to them acting out by biting your fingers or toes, which they may mistake for a toy.
When they first start doing this, the best thing to do is make a high-pitched yelp. This tells them that it hurts and that they should back off.
Why Your Cat May Show You Their Belly

It may seem playful for a cat to roll over and expose their belly. This gesture is most likely their way of telling you that they want attention.
Just by them rolling over and showing their belly, it is their way of saying they trust you and are putting themselves in a vulnerable position.
Meows Are Special

Owners are probably used to hearing their cats meow, but that sound is only reserved for humans. According to Pet MD, cats rarely meow at each other.
A meow from a cat can mean dozens of things, such as asking for attention, food, or wanting to be pet. Try to listen closely because each meow is different.
Avoid Staring Directly At Your Cat

One of the most threatening gestures for a cat is direct eye contact. This can make them feel very anxious and uncomfortable.
Staring at a cat often tells them that you are looking to cause trouble, which can make them act out. It's perfectly fine to look at them every now and then, but staring is a bit much for them.
Chattering Is A Good Sign

Cats can make all sorts of noises; one of the good ones is chattering. This noise is very common when cats greet their owners at the door or when they follow them around the house.
Chattering is a cat's way of talking in a friendly manner and shows that they're interested in interacting with you.
Purrs Can Mean A Bunch Of Things

Those who own cats have often heard them purr but may not know why. Purrs are usually a sign of comfort and security.
However, cats will purr for other reasons, such as feeling sick or after they get injured. Purring is a way for them to comfort themselves, but it's also a sign of affection.
Be Happy If Your Cat Kneads

Cats have a bunch of ways to show affection, but one of the most certain is kneading. This behavior actually starts when they are kittens.
When cats are young, they will often knead on their mothers when they are nursing. So, if they continue to do so as adults with their owners, it shows that they love them.
They Love Singing

A cat can show you the most affection when they feel comfortable and safe in its home. Owners can go about this in many ways, but one thing they can do is sing.
Feel free to sing in a soft lullaby voice around the house and notice how relaxed it will make them feel.
Why A Cat May Wag Their Tail

When it comes to dogs, a tail wag usually means they are excited and want to play. That behavior is different for cats.
Cats will usually wag their tail when they are annoyed. If you see your cat do this, make sure you can identify what is annoying them and try to fix the problem.
Repetition Is Key For Cats

One of the ways cats learn is through repetition. For example, if you repeat the word "up" when they climb up to sit on the couch, they will associate that word with being able to sit there.
According to Love Ferplast, repeating the same word several times makes the cat associate the sound of the word with actions.