Most 13-year-olds don't have the patience to brush their teeth every day, let alone take a photo of themselves in the same spot every day for 15 years.
But Jordan Wilson did, and the results are absolutely incredible.
When Jordan started in 2007, he was definitely a cute kid.

That bowl cut is probably pretty familiar to anyone who ever was or used to know a 13-year-old boy.
The red hair & freckles stay pretty much constant, but everything else changes!
You can start seeing the differences right away.

It really goes to show that kids seem to age so much faster than the rest of us because he starts to look older almost right away.
It's impressive that he kept the same background the whole way through!
It feels like you can tell his overall mood by how he took that day's picture.

People in the comments started to feel emotional watching him grow up.
"If he has children, this will be a very precious thing to show them. I'd love to see my parents glow up like this!"
His hair got longer and longer.

While the hair-do isn't quite a bowl cut, Jordan kept the long hair and bangs for quite some time.
It's impressive to see that kind of dedication to his style!
Eventually, the bangs started growing out.

Anyone who was around teenagers in the late 2000s definitely knows that this was when "The Bieber" cut really took off with young men around the world.
Jordan definitely rocks it, though!
Then it was time for shorter hair.

It's crazy how much older Jordan looks once he cuts his hair a little bit shorter! We really are watching him grow up before our eyes.
He kept the bangs, though.
The Bieber style started to creep back in.

"Could someone explain why I felt 'proud of him' even though I don't know him and all he did was just grow older?" one commenter asked.
I feel the same way!
Soon enough, swoopy bangs were back completely.

It must have been too hard to resist the allure of the Bieber cut. Don't worry, Jordan, we won't judge you.
"I won't lie. I had my fingers crossed that he'd end up with the Buster Brown haircut," one commenter joked.
And then it was time for a totally new look.

The long hair was gone, and Jordan looked older immediately!
"I'm amazed that it doesn't seem that he wore a collared shirt even once in 15 years. He's true to his style!" read one comment.
He really started to look like a teenager.

"Imagine going through a breakup or emotional moment at 16 but still having the willpower to take and save a picture a day," one commenter wrote.
Knowing high school dramatics, that was a pretty likely scenario!
One thing that stayed pretty consistent was his style.

While his hair and his face definitely evolved over 15 years, it seemed like Jordan kept the same wardrobe almost the entire way through.
As long as he was comfortable!
Some days he seemed happier than others.

"It is so HARD being a teenager! I love that if I saw this when I was 16, it would let me know that life gets better," one commenter pointed out.
It does seem like most of the not-smiling pictures are from when he was in high school!
Halfway and 20 years old.

It's incredible to see the evolution from teenager to young adult here!
He still looks pretty similar to the kid he was when he started, but you can see his adult appearance starting to form.
His overall mood seemed to improve.

"Man, those teenage years showed in his eyes, happy child to angsty-looking teen to happy adult."
"And that black hoodie with the grey hood seemed to stick with him for years," wrote one viewer.
He tried out a few new hairstyles.

Any of us who've tried to grow or grow out bangs know the pain of trying to figure out what to do with them when they're this short.
It looks as though Jordan was not immune.
He definitely grew into his features.

"That was crazy. He went from someone I'd think of as a cute little brother type person to a guy I'd consider dating," one commenter joked.
It goes to show you shouldn't write people off too early!
The changes were slow but subtle.

"This is awesome! I love how he looks happier as he gets older too. Definitely more smiles toward the end!" one commenter wrote on the video.
And then the biggest change happened.
He shaved his head!

Hair one day, gone the next! In the most dramatic change so far, Jordan decided to shave his head and grow his beard out.
Now that's a totally different look from where we started.
He didn't keep it shaved for long.

If you're only watching his hair throughout, it almost looks like it's animated.
"Dedication, it's amazing. Watching him go through his teenage years, he looks so serious in the beginning, he looks confident and happier as he goes along," shared a viewer.
It can get emotional seeing someone grow up.

Even if it's a stranger you've never met before.
"This sort of video brings up a lot of hidden emotions I think anyone can relate with. Time is a majestic experience that we only go through once," commented one viewer.
It starts to feel like we really know Jordan.

"We literally saw him grow up before our eyes!"
"Am I a family friend now? 'I remember when you were just a chubby little redhead; look at you now,'" a commenter wrote.
The beard made a couple more appearances.

This look, with the shaved head and beard, definitely suits him!
It makes sense that someone wouldn't want to stick with just one look for too long, though (even if he does seem to be wearing the same grey shirt he had ten years ago).
He had officially gone from boy to man.

"How heartwarming to watch you grow over the years !! That much dedication and commitment are admirable!"
"Beautiful eyes, no matter how much you change, that always stay the same!" one comment read.
It's truly impressive how he stayed so dedicated.

Not only did he remember to take a picture every day, but he kept the same background and lighting set up the entire time!
Do you think he brought that purple sheet with him everywhere?
He seemed to lock down a style he liked.

As the video gets closer and closer to the end, Jordan seems more consistent with his look: a shaved head with a beard.
"You really found a look you can rock!" one commenter noted.
The beard hit its peak close to the end.

It's honestly impressive how well Jordan can grow a beard!
I wonder if 13-year-old Jordan would have been jealous if he had known what he was capable of in the future.
But nothing lasts forever, not even epic facial hair.

When Jordan did end up shaving again, it was almost a jump scare!
"He looks both younger and older without the beard somehow," one commenter wrote, and I can totally see that.
Through it all, one thing remained consistent.

His dedication to completing this job never wavered!
One picture a day for 15 years is 5,475 pictures — most people don't take that many pictures in their lifetime, let alone that many of just them!
The final picture in the video is a happy one.

Maybe he's happy he's finally done taking pictures of himself — unless, of course, he decides he wants to keep it going even longer.
Wouldn't it be cool to have a picture of yourself every day until you were 90 years old?
Look at how far he came.

From the first photo to the last, you can really see how the past 15 years have changed Jordan — if it wasn't for the eyes, you might not believe this was the same man at all!
It's pretty inspiring. Imagine having this kind of video to share with your kids one day!