Every so often, everyone will find themselves coming across someone in need. And while it's true that not every story that starts with someone extending a helping hand ends happily, it can be easy to underestimate how much can change after that step is taken.
Indeed, nobody is more surprised by how much a vulnerable person or animal can change after enough love and support than those supporters themselves. After all, the amazing transformations that show how life-saving their care truly was were a lot more gradual for them. When the struggle to be there for someone special gets hard, stories like these can show that it's all worth it in the end.
Poor Dobby was once at his lowest

When he was rescued two years before these photos were posted, little Dobby was taking shelter in a car wash. Due to a severe case of mange, his skin was painfully itchy (especially around his ears), he had open wounds to deal with and he was shivering because he no longer had any fur.
This was clearly the result of a long period of neglect that left Dobby on his last legs. Although he was understandably afraid of everyone, a dear foster mom lovingly nursed him back to health. But after two years of love, he slowly became his happy, cuddly self and looked so much healthier to boot!
This took less time than most people would expect

When Reddit user scook1996 first picked up this foster dog, she was dealing with some frankly horrifying skin ailments. Yet, while her previous owner's excuse was that they didn't have the money to care for her properly, the uploader didn't buy it.
As they said, that's because the various medications, ointments, and medicated baths she needed to flourish turned out to be far less expensive than the uploader expected. Moreover, it only took about two weeks of applications (plus a lot of supportive chin rubs in the interim) to get her looking as healthy as she does here.
She's not sad anymore!

When Gertie — the lab/pit mix — was first adopted, she had been stuck in a shelter for four months. Although she was only eight weeks old when she arrived, it was clear her environment was getting to her. She looked so sad and scared.
Yet, while she wasn't outwardly sick back then, the happy, confident glow that radiates off Gertie a year later makes her seem like a completely different dog. Her new owners took her on a trip to the highest point in their state, and this was her reaction. Naturally, they've been back there since then.
It was a hard road but oh so worth it

As Reddit user TheYankunian described, this was once a street dog roaming through the Greek island of Cyprus. Although it's unclear what he experienced, it was obvious to the uploader that it left him incredibly scared.
After all, he hid in the corner shown in the first photo for about a week after arriving home. He wouldn't use his bed. However, it seems that six weeks was enough to convince the dog that he was now with a safe person because his happiness was clearly through the roof.
They've been on a real journey together

Unfortunately, details are sparse on how this dog went from a scared pup at a shelter to the big sweetheart he is today. Indeed, all Reddit user keyjamoon said was, "Six years later, and I'm so grateful Bane is still by my side."
And really, that's all that needs to be said. The sadness in Bane's eyes was palpable when he was a puppy, and it's a big reason why he's clearly so happy and grateful to have her in his life.
Subtle differences in how he behaves

When Reddit user broo_house posted these images of their dog, Pudge, neither seemed to indicate that he's a particularly energetic dog. However, there's a subtle but important difference between what that low-energy vibe looked like when Pudge was discovered compared to six months later.
When he was found as a stray, Pudge looked sad and exhausted. Life in the elements had clearly been difficult and lonely for him. Now that he's lying on the rug at home, however, his laziness is the result of contentment and comfort. After all, his tail wags so much as he stretches out.
It's too bad that foster failing isn't an option here

As Reddit user aliensemble explained, Boney Maroney was the first foster dog to enter their care. As the name would suggest, he was malnourished enough that his ribs were clearly visible in the first picture he shared with the uploader's daughter.
After a month, however, not only was he at a much healthier weight but he was prepared for his new forever home. Although the Redditor was a little sad to say that their household couldn't permanently sustain another dog, the experience inspired their daughter to become a veterinarian when she grows up.
This precious little guy won't be left behind anymore

Two years ago, Reddit user failures_art was handling an eviction as part of their property management job. However, they learned that the tenant not only abandoned the apartment but also left two dogs alone. Since the pit bull shown here was in the worst shape of the two due to malnourishment and infections, the uploader decided to adopt him.
And in the two years since they've started being pals, the progress has been remarkable. Not only is the dog so much healthier and stronger but what was once a sad, despondent dog is now downright goofy.
He's already looking healthier!

As Reddit user Fuzzy_Pressure_2664 explained, this bulldog and terrier mix was about 43 pounds when he was first rescued. That's pretty malnourished for a dog of his size and breed, but the good news is that he's up to about 60 pounds just three months later.
The dog's owner also said he's pretty muscular, which is surprising because he spends most of his days sleeping. As for the tail, it apparently wasn't docked. The bulldog genes just made it naturally curl up like that.
A lot of progress in a short time

As Reddit user cenatutu described, Sal here was practically catatonic when they first fostered him. After being confined to an outdoor pen, starved, and otherwise mistreated, he had to be carried out to the uploader's car and wouldn't leave the den they set up in their kitchen.
However, so much changed after only two weeks. Although Sal is still afraid of the Redditor's car, he has become much more playful and friendly. Not only does he greet his foster parent at the door, but he now loves playing with the other foster dog in the house and even enjoys hikes.
It's hard to believe what someone put Queso through

As Reddit user Nooksgabriel explained, little Queso had spent her whole life of six-and-a-half years at the time of her rescue in a cage. An animal rescue had bought her off a man at a swap meet who admitted to keeping her in there so much that she had never touched grass.
While this meant that she was underweight, skittish, and walked she like was still being confined when she was first adopted, Queso soon flourished. As the months passed, she grew healthier with a fluffier coat and is now known to roll around in the grass every day.
What a difference a year made

This sweet girl had come out of a seriously rough situation by the time she found shelter in Reddit user CheckAgitated6428's arms. Although they weren't specific about the kind of treatment she faced, it was known that her previous owners were hoarders. And that malnourishment speaks for itself.
However, she's looking so much healthier after a year in the uploader's care. Her coat is shinier, her weight is more substantial, and she's resting peacefully after a snack. Although there's still more work to do, the uploader described her as "Seriously, the most loving dog I've ever met."
The difference is powerful

When Sammy first came to Reddit user BiggEVH's home, the dog was in fairly rough shape. Although most of its fur looked OK, there was a clear infection near its left hind leg. Worse yet, the strange, concave shape of its body indicated a serious lack of nourishment.
Eight months later, however, Sammy is living a much better life. Not only is the dog a lot more robust now, but its fur has gone from somewhat healthy to shiny. And the unhealthy part is gone as well.
There's only one hint as to his life before it got better

According to Reddit user squishsquishsquish30, Finn was in rough shape when he was surrendered by a family in 2020. Although the 10-month-old dog's missing eye was the most obvious issue, he was also dealing with mange and a wide array of other health problems.
However, he took a shine to the uploader immediately and was quickly adopted. Over the last four years, Finn has not only had those health problems taken care of and ventured on the path to a much happier life, but he's had some real experiences. He's even been white water rafting!
It was hard not to fall in love

As Reddit user beer__fear explained, this little doggie was brought to them from Greece as a stray in June of 2021 at six months old. And while there are certainly dogs in worse shape by the time they're adopted, she was both pretty scruffy and clearly stressed out.
After a year in the uploader's care, however, she's both better groomed and wearing a much more peaceful expression. Naturally, she's made a big impact on her new owner as well. As they wrote, "She's been the light of my life ever since."
He's like a completely different dog!

As the caption in a video posted to Reddit by DuTr0ng suggests, this dog had clearly been horribly mistreated and neglected when his saviors found him two years before their post. Between his sickly fur and his demeanor that straddled the line between being too anxious to be touched and too exhausted to refuse it, it was clear he had been through too much.
However, the two years that followed were full of love, patience, and the proper feeding and care the dog should have experienced all along. As a result, he's not only got a lush, healthy coat but a confidence that seems unrecognizable from before.
Somebody had some good news for Laser here

When Reddit user littleshortdogs first started fostering Laser, he was clearly malnourished. However, that wasn't the only problem that the poor pup had to deal with. However, it only took six weeks to put most of those issues in the rearview.
As the uploader explained, the second of these pictures was taken after they had just finished Laser's heartworm treatment. Not only was the dog at a much healthier weight and next to an equally adorable friend, but littleshortdogs was about to adopt him officially. It couldn't work out better!
It may not seem like it, but she's much happier

It's unusual to see a dog with a thousand-yard stare, but Pumpkin the Catahoula had every right to have one. As Reddit user AlfcatLannister explained, she came from a crowded house with far too many dogs, which left her scared to the point that she was considered half-feral.
However, the past two years have seen Pumpkin go from cowering in the corner and not trusting many foods to becoming curious and comfortable. She cuddles with the uploader, gives kisses, approaches them on their own, and even lets their family walk her and feed her by hand.
It went from a refuge to a preferred sleeping arrangement

Based on this little sweetie's scared eyes, it seemed hard for her to adjust to her new home. Although it wasn't clear what she had been through, she needed to find comfort wherever she could. That led her to take refuge on this little dog mattress.
Seven months later, her demeanor is much different. Although she's in the same place and in roughly the same position, her eyes are far more confident and comfortable. As Reddit user d_bone36 said, "7 months later, it's still her favorite spot."
Whoever did this couldn't have brought her to a better place

When Reddit user disktoaster first met their dog, Roxie, she had been anonymously left on their doorstep. At the time, she only weighed 20 pounds, and based on the markings the Redditor had noticed on her, they suspected she had been used as a bait dog in an illicit fighting ring.
Although they'll never know who brought Roxie to their home, it turned out to be the perfect match because they were still dearly devoted to her ten years later. Not only is she clearly much healthier and happier, but disktoaster's care also helped bring out the silly, lovable girl she was all along.
Sometimes, the humans aren't the ones doing the adopting

When Reddit user iLoveGlass210 first met their dog, Beck, she happened upon them outside of a convenience store when they were on their lunch break. She just jumped in the uploader's truck, and before that person knew it, she was their dog.
In the two years since that's happened, it's clear that this once scrawny dog has reached a much healthier weight. That's also been enough time for her human to fall in love completely. In their words, "The only way I can describe her, it's like catching a rare Pokémon. She's the most perfect dog ever."
Even she seems to know what a close call this was

This beautiful dog had every reason to be as scared as she looked in the first photo. That's because she was seriously ill with a parvovirus, which can prove fatal to dogs. Indeed, it nearly was for her, which is why Reddit user LittleLowkey didn't sleep for a week when they fostered her.
However, they've also had some experience with this virus, as this dog is the fourth they've fostered to have it. Fortunately, it only took a month for a complete turnaround in the dog's health. The uploader describes her as a "total nutcase" now.
They really needed each other

Although this dog appeared to be a little malnourished when he first met Reddit user t_c_roman, that's not the biggest change he experienced over the following six months. He has the kind of photogenic confidence in the second photo that just wouldn't have been possible earlier.
Yet, while it might be a cliché to say that the dog saved the uploader as much as they saved him, they said that doesn't make it any less true. In their words, "I think I needed him more than he needed me. I am so grateful to have such an amazing dog."
It's hard not to cry at the difference here

When this sweet little dog was rescued, its fur was severely matted where it existed. Worse yet, so much of it was gone due to a clear case of mange that can be seen around the ears. But thanks to Reddit user jaldt's kindness and love, the pup wouldn't always look like that.
It took some time before the little friend improved, but he clearly became happier the healthier his fur looked. Although it's unclear how long this took, it's now such a happy and adorable little dog that it hardly looks like anything happened to it at all!
The difference couldn't be clearer

Naturally, the first thing most people notice when they see this dog is her unusual, fang-like bottom teeth. However, Reddit user jansarceo explained that they're her badge of honor for surviving an awful disease that most dogs sadly succumb to.
Specifically, she overcame the canine distemper virus. And while her weight and coat nowadays show how healthy she's become since surviving it, her unique teeth will always be a little reminder of her journey. She's so happy and loved now!
She will never end up in the trash again

As Reddit user BeingJohnZoidberg explained, he initially encountered little Shelly when she was five weeks old after she had been abandoned in a garbage drop-off zone. Although he had planned to take her to an adoption service, he found that he wouldn't be able to let her go once he brought her home.
Although the uploader doesn't know what breed she is, it's not lost on him that she's an unusually small dog. But whether it's due to her breed, status as the runt of her litter, or an improper diet, she's still his precious little girl eight months later.
This is how powerful a loving environment can be

When Reddit user firstpuppyowner's rescue puppy arrived from Puerto Rico, it didn't take a master of perception to see how scared she was. From her teary eyes to her nervous chewing, it would've inspired a big hug if she was comfortable enough to receive it.
In the two years since that adoption first took place, however, it's like she's been blessed with an entirely different personality. Her happiness is palpable and while she may have had a rough time as a puppy, she's thriving as a big girl.
She's a reminder not to take things for granted

After Reddit user charlottepharoah adopted this dog from Romania in December 2023, she was scared of everything, including going outside. However, they said that they saw some serious progress about four months after her adoption, as she went out to explore the yard for three consecutive days.
Although she wasn't comfortable enough out there to go to the bathroom, she nonetheless reacted to a passing helicopter, a loud car, and nearby voices without barking and snarling. She's even taking ownership of her ball, which most dog owners wouldn't bat an eye at but is a sign of serious progress for her.
His first Christmas may not have been merry, but this one is

Although it's very common for rescue dogs to be scared and moody when they first arrive home, it seems that this one has a truly indomitable spirit. As Reddit user mks93 explained, it only took three weeks of providing foster care for the dog before they decided they wanted to adopt him.
Yet, while the love may have grown quickly, that doesn't mean the process of becoming close to him over the next two years was easy. As the uploader wrote, "He's been the most rewarding challenge of my life."
It's amazing how quickly this happened!

This is Sunny. As Reddit user Katesashark explained, the first week she spent in their home was characterized by her crouching in this corner and eyeing her new family suspiciously. That's not exactly unusual for a rescue dog.
What is unusual, however, is what happened after that week was over. As the second picture demonstrates, she's now comfortable enough to sleep on the people she once refused to take her eyes off of. In the uploader's words, "Sunny finally understands 'home.'"