‘Hot Dudes Reading’ On The Subway Is The Internet’s Newest Obession

Forget Kindles and iPads and other mobile electronics, the newest trend in absorbing books and other forms of literature is called “Hot Dudes Reading” and as the name suggests, it involved hot guys reading books, newspapers and other forms of paper goodness. The hashtag #HotDudesReading is gaining a lot of traction thanks to the Instagram account Hot Dudes Reading.

There are plenty of pictures of guys waiting for the subway train.

Magazines are popular among hot dudes riding on trains.

They are all absorbed in their chosen literature.

Some of the guys are into some really heavy reads.

Others drown out the noises of the Subway with earbuds.

Casually posing while he reads?

All of the men are involved in candid photos.

Not that kind of girl?

Styling it up with his book.

Another hot dude reading on the subway.

These hot dudes reading on trains are gaining plenty of exposure thanks to Twitter, Instagram and some very enthusiastic followers.