Shipping Containers Transformed Into Greek Gods, This Is Incredible

Artists Pichi & Avo have transformed several shipping containers into an architectural canvas that is impossible to ignore. Using cranes, bucket lifts, a ton of paint, and their very considerable talents, they turned the containers into Greek Gods.

1. The containers are lifted into place and painted from a bucket lift.
Pichi and Avo Paint Shipping Containers
2. The artists first paint each god and then fill in the spaces around them. 
Pichi Avo - Shipping Containers
3. Passersby were able to watch as the creation was put together piece by piece.
Shipping Containers as Greek Gods
4. Every single piece of available space was covered. 
Shipping Containers - Pichi and Avo
5. The final product is beautiful and impossible to ignore. 
Pichi and Avo - Shipping Containers - Greek Gods

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