Let's face it — folding isn't some art that everyone loves doing. It's a task that becomes bothersome and takes too much concentration if you don't know what you're doing, especially with fitted sheets.
Thankfully, TikTok user Amy Danastas (@amymaree922) showcased a way for all to do it easily. Let's take a look.
Fitted Sheets

Not only is putting the fitted sheet on your bed hard, but folding them correctly is a pain as well.
That's why it's great that there's a way to fold them properly.
Get That Drying Line Out!

You're going to need a drying line or something similar that allows you to hang your sheet.
After that, you're going to want to place the elastic facing outward so you can carefully fold it towards the center.
Repeat That Step

After folding towards the middle, you're going to want to do that again. It sounds easy so far.
The goal is to create one long panel as your progress through it.
Remove The Line!

Now, your job is to remove the drying line. Only do this once you have everything folded over.
You're almost at the finish line now! Only one more step to go...
There You Have It

There you have it, folks. Once you remove the sheet from the line, your job is pretty much done.
Now, you have a perfectly folded fitted sheet. You don't have to worry about stashing it in a big ball.
Don't Be Like Her

As you can see, this hack will help tons of people because I know the user who left this comment isn't the only one.
Those fitted sheets are a pain to deal with, so I appreciate the TikTok user's knowledge.