So Uplifting: Meet Some Tough Kids Who Have Battled Cancer

Matthew The Magnificent


Photo Credit: Matthew/Tackle Kids Cancer

Matthew is a part of the organization called “Tackle Kids Cancer” which gets pro sports players involved in raising money for childhood cancer research. Matthew has leukemia and undergoes strenuous chemotherapy to deal with it. As Matthew puts it, “This cancer is not really good. No cancer is good, not even the medicines. I don’t want to get the needles or the nighttime pills.” He also finds it difficult to stay overnight in the hospital away from his younger brother.

Matthew was treated to a meeting with Giant’s quarterback Eli Manning who is working with the organization. This was was an amazing surprise for Matthew because he counts himself as the Giants’ biggest fan! For a moment, he got to take a break from cancer and bask in the company of one of his heroes. Matthew said, “I’m so excited. Like super-duper excited, like blow my mind up.” He also wants everyone to know that we should all team up to help “kick cancer’s butt!”