Stepparents Who Have Really Stepped It Up For Their Stepchildren

A Little Boy’s Dream Comes True


In 2016, a woman named Janelle Rice shared a video on Facebook of her son Landon, 11, opening a very special Christmas gift–his adoption certificate. The touching video went viral. According to Janelle, her son really wanted to be adopted by her her husband Daniel and to have his last name changed to Rice. She told Mashable: “At his fifth grade graduation in May, he was called up to the stage to get his ‘diploma’ and he told his teachers he wanted to go by Landon Rice (rather than his birth last name) — that’s when we knew we had to begin.”

“Extra Dad” Matt Damon


Actor Matt Damon has four daughters: Stella, Gia, Isabella, and Alexia, who is his wife Luciana’s daughter from a previous marriage. During a 2011 interview with Parade magazine, he described the enormous love he felt for his children, including his stepdaughter. He explained, “I jumped into the deep end with Lucy. I mean, Alexia was already four. I was an extra dad…The only way I can describe it – it sounds stupid, but – at the end of How the Grinch Stole Christmas, you know how his heart grows, like, five times its size? Everything is full; it’s just full all the time.”