Ever since the concept of "cute" was created, probably somewhere between the invention of puppies and kittens, there's been an emotional attachment to anything considered cute.
Innocence seems to be a common theme in what we find cute and we have human babies and animal babies to blame for that. This list is cuteness overload so get your "awes" ready because you'll be needing them.
Best Friends

This is how two 12-year-olds approach their parents together asking if they can have a sleepover on a weeknight. This is like two 16-year-olds asking their parents if they can have the car for the night after just getting their license. This is like two 21-year-olds asking the bartender if they can three tequila shots each "with lots of lemons please".
Hurtin' Kitty

The pain of actually breaking your arm is nothing in comparison to the weeks of pain and struggle you have whilst wielding around a cast. Being able to only sleep on one side of your body and not being able to bend it is constricting and uncomfortable. This little kitty, unfortunately, has experienced it, but unlike many others, was actually able to sleep.
Hedgehog Fun

Hedgehogs are cute and all, but can we talk about their razor-sharp prickles? People put baby hedgehogs on this cuteness pedestal (which they belong on) but they forget that they have razor blades attached to their backs. They're only cute when they show you their belly, and my guess is they wouldn't even visit you in the hospital when they cut you open.
Cute Halloween Costume

This is everyone's face when their mom made them dress up for Halloween two weeks early. "It's just a little frog hat, no one will even notice Stacy," she says as you walk out the door. This little kitten is able to pull it off because it's absolutely adorable, but small human beings struggle to get the same reactions.
In-Class Snooze

When it's just about to be Christmas break but your teacher won't stop talking about the geography of Rhode Island, so you just fall asleep like this. This is how you fall asleep when you're having a sleepover with your friend and you don't want to be the first one to fall asleep so you just "rest your eyes" while watching TV.
Very Famous

Sometimes fame deteriorates your mental and physical capabilities, but this pug has been able to stay grounded. Still takes her kids out to the beach knowing that the paparazzi will be there snapping shots. She's willing to sacrifice her integrity to allow her babies to have fun, despite all the external pressures. Good for her.
Weddings Are Too Loud

As a little kid, and as a chronically single person, there's no worse place to be than a wedding. It's a day full of cooties and gushy love that is unrelatable. This little girl is so sick of the noises that come from smooching that she's visibly upset at the Royals for having the audacity to kiss with her being right beside them.
Happy Birthday

This is the face of every kid after they get their birthday cake placed in front of them. It's a smile that says "I'm on top of the world, now give me my double fudge ice cream cake and let me blow out these damn candles." Also, this dog looks like it may have inhaled some other substances beforehand, but we'll let that go.
Sour Kitty

This is the face of a cat who just sucked on a lemon for the first time in their nine lives. This is the face of that annoying kid at recess who just pushed you, so you pushed them back and then you got in trouble from the teacher. This is the face of your little brother after they started fake crying that you pinched them too hard and your parents come and console him.
Swagged Out

Okay, so there's no argument that baby pigs are absolutely adorable, but I have a feeling that many people don't understand THAT IT'S STILL A PIG. Enjoy this little guy while it lasts because he's going to turn into a bazillion pound monster that will no longer be able to fit in those cute boots or knitted sweaters.
Can I Speak To The Manager?

"Can I speak to the manager?" this cat says as it enters the store with this little kid who just got overcharged when buying a chocolate bar. They promptly get kicked out of the store because the store policy clearly states you need closed toe shoes to be able to enter. This cat left its pair of Crocs at home so they didn't get to state their case.
Teabag In, Please

This little kitten is so small it's basically a piece of lint. No actually, it probably weighs less than a piece of lint. That cup would weigh more if it was filled to the brim with cotton balls. Nonetheless, this is one of the cutest pictures on the internet and there's no way you can deny that.
Just ahead, a dog shows us that they too, in fact, have an " Oh CRAP I got caught" face.
Always Terrified

This pup is like every person ever when they are face-to-face with a spider alone in their bathroom. Spiders are the leading cause of "grappling" which is an act of desperation where you just hop into the arms of another person and hold on for dear life. This dog isn't losing sight of that eight-legged monster though, no way.
Polar Bear Dive

This polar bear is on round eight of hitting the "snooze" button but clearly isn't about to get up anytime soon. It looks like that moment you get home from school or work and you do a full starfish plunge onto your bed and pass right out. On a more serious note, save the polar bears from going extinct and uh, buy a can of Coke? I guess.
"I Didn't Do It"

Sometimes when you're left alone for a few hours your mind starts to wander out of boredom and even the most mundane objects seem fun. This pup saw the new bag of toilet paper rolls and was willing to risk his life for a little fun. Unfortunately, he didn't have a cleanup plan or a way to explain his way out of it so he just made this hilarious face.
I Donut Know What You're Talking About

These are the faces of two guilty companions digging into their sixth and seventh powdered donuts of the minute. They had just finished talking about how "if you don't tell, I won't tell" but forgot to lock the front door. They tried to talk their way out of the situation but the writing was already on the wall about what they had gotten into.
Too Real

This little kid deserves a doppelganger award of excellence. Shout out to the talent scout (his parents probably) who realized that this kid had some serious potential in being an abnormally cute real-life version of Boy Scout Russell from UP. When the live action broadway show comes out for the cartoon, they'll know who to call.
Doggy Heating Pad

Anyone who has ever felt the fruits of a heating pad knows that they are majestic in healing literally every problem. If you could put a heating pad on the psychological issues you're having it would probably make them go away, or burn your hair completely off. Either way, it's a story.
The Breeze Is Nice

Is there anything more refreshing than sticking your head out of the window on the highway and getting a face full of hyperspeed oxygen. This little girl has the face that you get when the wind is so strong it starts taking your breath away (which sounds romantic) but you literally can't breathe.
Grandma Made It, So You Wear It

If it was up to your knitting-obsessed grandmother as to what you would be wearing every day it would look something like this. Don't get me wrong, a nice knitted sweater can never go wrong, but when grandma gets carried away with knitted onesies for a 14-year-old it starts to become a mild problem.