These Cat Shaming Moments Will Crack You Up!

Hairy Hussy

What a little kitty hussy! This bad girl got out of the house, had her fun and now has a load of responsibility to take care of and no father to help! After a wild night of cat nip, dumpster tipping and irresponsible acts with no protection, this house cat has left her mark on the city.


At least her owner will still help her with her babies, but this post is too funny not to laugh. We have heard of “slut” shaming before, but this seriously takes it to a completely different level. Good thing cats don’t use the internet!

No Fear, No Remorse

Would you just look at that face! No remorse, if anything complete disinterest in the fact that he did something wrong like throw up in the fish bowl! Poor fish, though. But, back to this hilarious cat. I guess we should be proud of him on some level that he didn’t try to eat the fish, like many would have attempted to do, before he decided to throw up in the fish bowl.


But we cannot decide if we feel worse for the fish or the owner for cleaning up the throw up. Probably the fish; anyone that gets a cat knows there is going to be puke involved at some point.