Being a parent means showing up for your kids whenever they need you. Most parents are really good at being there for their kids, however, a few creative parents have figured out new and innovative ways to make their kids' lives even better than they were before.
Keep reading to see some parents who know how to make the perfect blanket fort, a dad who can be a mom when he needs to, and a mom who can turn a fried egg into Winnie the Pooh.
An Elephant Friend

This attentive dad noticed that his kid was feeling stressed about school and the state of the world.
So he 3D printed this elephant for her. If that's not love, I don't know what is.
The Perfect Makeover

This little girl had been having a hard time at school lately, so her father let her give him a total makeover.
These two look like they're having so much fun.
A Controller Just For Her

This little differently abled girl absolutely loves video games, but she was having a hard time holding a typical controller.
That's why her dad made her this custom game controller.
A Friendly Reminder

This person's dad passed away a few years ago. He liked to collect rubber ducks when he was out on walks and then put them around the house.
His son thought he had found them all, but then he opened the console in the back of his car for the first time in a long time.
Making It Work

Parents make all kinds of sacrifices for their children. Some of those sacrifices are big and some are small.
This dad did something huge for his daughter and she is beyond grateful.
Dressed For The Occasion

This dad brings his daughter to Disney movies that are playing at their local theater.
Every time they go to a movie, they dress up as the characters in the movie.
Rainbow Cupcakes

This dad wanted to show his son that he loves and respects him even though he's "kind of gay."
Sometimes you just have to say it with cupcakes. What better way to get a message across than with sugar?
We Love Mike

This dad might be the most wholesome dad in the world. I mean, it's him and whoever decided to name a dog "Mike."
I bet that guy is also a dad.
Showing Their Support

Reddit user lklpi posted this photo online along with the caption, "My mom sent me this picture of her and our family dog showing their PRIDE.
It made me smile to know they support and love me and the LGBT community!"
Gotta Water The Plants

I'm sure there are people at Walmart who get paid to water and take care of the plants, but this guy doesn't trust them.
He just has to do everything himself.
Donuts With Dad

This single mom didn't want her son to miss out on "Donuts with Dad" day at school.
So she put on a plaid shirt and a fake mustache and played the part.
A Flower For Your Thoughts

This dad and daughter have a birthday tradition, and just because she isn't home on her birthday, that doesn't mean that the birthday tradition has to stop.
This girl is going to get her flower whether she's home or not.
Peel Your Own Oranges

It's a father's job to prepare his children for the next stage of life. At some point, a girl has to learn how to peel her own oranges.
It's an essential life skill.
Mom And Dad

This single dad has to be both a mother and a father to his son.
That's why he put on a dress and participated in this Mother's Day event at his kid's school.
Don't Let Your Memes Be Dreams

This Reddit user posted this photo online along with the caption, "A year ago I sent my dad a meme.
Little did I know he printed it, dated it, hand-laminated it, and put it in his office."
A Proud Mom

This mom's son recently wrote and published a book.
This is a picture of her taken the first time she saw her son's book in the library. She looks super proud.
A Job Well Done

Reddit user fpsjko posted this photo online along with the caption, "I saw this Japanese mom's amazing cooking and sent it to my mom, asked her if she could make one for me.
I was just joking since I’m no longer a kid and living in another continent now. Two hours later she replied with this pic and told me she will be practicing and cook for me when I go back home."
Some Things Never Change

Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn't need to cut his son's hair. I'm sure they can afford to go to a barber.
Still, this is a special father-son activity that they like to do together.
Still A Special Day

This couple had to cancel their wedding due to a worldwide pandemic.
So the mother of the groom set up this sweetheart table in her house on what would have been the couple's wedding day.
The Perfect Dad Joke

How cute is this dad? If you thought your dad had good dad jokes, he's got nothing on this guy.
He has so many dad jokes that he texts them to his kids at all hours of the day.
A Tie For Dad

This kid made a tie for his dad when he was 7 years old, and his dad has never gotten rid of it.
We think dad looks great in that Pikachu tie.
Part Of The Gang

These parents didn't want their kid to feel left out or different, so they all wear helmets around the house all the time.
If that's not going above and beyond for your kid, I don't know what is.
The Show Must Go On

This girl's graduation ceremony got canceled because of a little virus that's been going around (if that's not the understatement of the year).
So her parents rented a stage and had a private graduation ceremony anyway.
When You Give A Dad An Eyeshadow Palette...

This daughter taught her dad all about makeup and makeup terminology, and now she gets texts like this from him all the time.
At least he knows what a smoky eye is.
A Mini Blockbuster

This autistic kid doesn't deal with change very well. He was really upset about the fact that he could never go to Blockbuster again.
So his parents made him his own Blockbuster at home.
The Most Dad Photo

This guy doesn't really like having his picture taken, so when he asked his son to take his picture, his son was a bit confused.
Then he did the most dad thing ever.
A Helping Hand

Okay, how do I get to be an electrician at the zoo? Why are meerkats so cute?
They have no business being that adorable. They must be really good helpers.
The Best Blanket Fort

Reddit user deathbypotat0 posted this photo online along with this note:
"My daughter's entire 1st grade class had a virtual 'Fort Night' together to celebrate the end of the year, and boy, did her dad deliver on the fort making."
An Open-Minded Dad

I love this so much. You don't have to have gay kids to be an LGBTQ activist.
I hope he continues to be an ally even after he finds out that his daughter is straight.
Mango Delivery

This dad mailed his daughter a Tupperware of mango that he had cut up for her.
She forgot to take it with her when she went back to school.