This little girl’s doll unboxing has gone viral for the cutest reason

Special doll for little girl goes viral with fake leg

10-year-old Emma has gone viral after unboxing a doll for her birthday.

The little girl has a prosthetic leg and has always wanted a doll that matched and her dream recently came true.

The company responsible for her beautiful moment, A Step Ahead Prosthetics, sent Emma a heartwarming note along with her newly modified American Girl doll explaining her journey:

After she arrived, she was given a room to stay while her new leg was being made. She was fitted with a leg in her favorite color, pink, and started walking on it right away. After a few weeks of training to walk and run in her new prosthetic, she is ready to go home and live her life without limitations with you.

A Step Ahead Prosthetics offers special service like this to families free of charge. They explain why on their website:

We feel that it is absolutely crucial to boost the self-confidence, self-esteem, and feelings of inclusion for little girls with limb loss, and that something as small as a doll that resembles them can have a profound effect on their mental and physical well-being.

In that spirit, anyone with a child who has had or is facing an amputation is welcome to send us an American Girl doll which we will happily modify with a prosthetic limb (or limbs) to match the child.

Here’s the little girls amazing viral video. Try to hold back your tears.