These 6 Brave Cats Saved Their Owners Lives

14-year-old Winnie saved her family from carbon monoxide poisoning after she jumped up on their bed and meowed wildly until they left their home.

Eric and Cathy Keesling said their cat saved their lives in 2007 after a gasoline-powered water pump in their basement caused the odorless gas to build up.

At 1:00 am the cat started nudging Cathy’s ear and meowing loudly.

“It was a crazy meow, almost like she was screaming,” Cathy told Fox News. When Cathy woke up fully she realized she felt nauseous and dizzy and couldn’t wake up her husband, who had undergone minor neck surgery the previous day.

Despite being very dizzy, she managed to call 911 for help.

Paramedics found the couple’s 14-year-old son, Michael, unconscious on the floor near his bedroom.

Thankfully, the entire family was rescued because of their cat’s brave efforts.

Cats are super smart and brave! Share these stories with your friends if you agree.