These Cake Messages Are Wrong In So Many Ways

There Are Toilets For That Woody


When you gotta go and you’re in the wilderness you just go. Woody could have done a much better job of not going everywhere, but he’s just a toy who didn’t know any better. This is probably the most disturbing cake on our list because it takes a beloved childhood TV character and completely destroys their wholesome issue for us. Also, toys don’t poop unless given that very function so we’re calling B.S. on this Woody cake and erasing it from our mind! Maybe we will attempt to resurrect this cake when Toy Story 4 hits theaters in the future.

Minnie Mouse Needs A Facelift


Minnie and Mickey Mouse have been around for a very long time and apparently, their age is starting to show — or at least Minnie’s is. This cake was moving in the right direction but ultimately failed. It’s not easy to work with a food product to shape it just right so it matches your desired outcome. We are also a little confused by Princess Leia inspired ears that Minnie Mouse is sporting. This cake is honestly a bit of a nightmare but at least we could sort of understand what it was when it first debuted. Would you eat this cake or toss it in the trash?